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Questions & Answers

about the Process of Our Work, Questions about Liability, Fictional Billing, and other common topics and terms!

Logo of Dein Gutachter Mittelhessen

Questions & Answers

about the Process of Our Work, Questions about Liability, Fictional Billing, and other common topics and terms!

Logo von Dein Gutachter Mittelhessen

Your Automotive Appraisal Expert

fast - professional - independent


Accident assessment

Our assessors secure evidence, assess the damage to the vehicle, and calculate the extent of the damage. In the case of liability claims, the responsible party pays for the assessment.

Special services

Cost estimates, brief assessments, repair confirmations, loss of use confirmations, and more.

For Business & Insurance

As an independent automotive assessment office, we offer a range of services and solutions for businesses and insurers.

Accident assessment

Our assessors secure evidence, assess the damage to the vehicle, and determine the extent of the damage. In the case of liability claims, the responsible party pays for the assessment.

In the event of a traffic accident or any other damages incurred, aside from determining fault, a crucial aspect is assessing the extent of the damage and the associated costs. Especially when the damages are the responsibility of the other party involved, it's advisable to engage your own assessor and not leave the evaluation solely to the opposing insurance company. This ensures you don't end up bearing high costs! We're here to support you in this process. In such cases, the opposing insurance company should cover the costs, so you won't have to pay anything. Even if the question of fault is unclear, it's recommended to contact a professional assessor to ensure a fair assessment and a rightful resolution of the situation. We take care of securing evidence, thoroughly inspecting your vehicle, and preparing a comprehensive damage assessment. Our report considers not only replacement part and repair costs but also factors in depreciation, feasibility of repairs, and potential loss of use, which we certify. Even in cases of requested re-inspections or confrontations by the insurance company, it's always advisable to involve your own assessor!

Special services

Cost estimates, brief assessments, repair confirmations, loss of use confirmations, and more.

We're happy to provide you with non-binding advice on your matter! We offer various services related to automotive issues. If needed, we can confirm to your insurance company, for example through a repair confirmation, that a specific repair was carried out professionally and properly. If you handle the repair of your vehicle after an insurance claim yourself, a repair confirmation may be required. Additionally, you can commission us for loss of use confirmations, brief assessments, cost estimates, or invoice reviews. We're available to answer any questions you may have regarding your matter beforehand.

For Business & Insurance

As an independent automotive assessment office, we offer a range of services and solutions for businesses and insurers.

We not only provide assessments for private individuals but also regularly work with car dealerships, car rental companies, insurance companies, and trade businesses. Whether it's damage assessments, return evaluations, cost estimates, or comprehensive assessments, our team is here to assist you reliably. We're happy to personally answer any questions you may have and discuss your specific needs.


Well connected

in Hesse.

We come

to you.

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Car crash!
What now?

When should I call my own appraiser?

Car crash! Should I call my own appraiser?

Car crash! What now?

When should I call my own appraiser?

You're at fault

For comprehensive insurance claims, you don't have the choice of assessor. Report the damage to your insurance company.

Fault is unclear

We secure evidence and produce a comprehensive report, thereby aiding in clarifying the issue of fault and ensuring a fair decision in case of dispute. Costs in cases of partial fault are shared proportionally.

other party is at fault

We provide you with a free damage assessment and ensure that you're not left with the costs. The liable insurance company is responsible for covering our bill.

You're at fault.

For comprehensive insurance claims, you don't have the choice of assessor. Report the damage to your insurance company.

Fault is unclear

We secure evidence and prepare a comprehensive report, thereby helping to clarify the question of fault and ensuring a fair decision in case of dispute. Costs in cases of partial fault are shared proportionally.

other party is at fault

We provide you with a free damage assessment and ensure that you're not left with the costs. The liable insurance company is responsible for covering our bill.

Free of charge, in case of accident liability...

Especially in the case of a non-self-inflicted accident, as the affected vehicle owner, you should always involve your own assessor and not leave the assessment of the damage to the opposing insurance company. This ensures that the damage is truly assessed neutrally and prevents you from being stuck with high costs. The assessor's fee must always be covered by the opposing insurance company!

In case of dispute, it's often advisable to contact an expert and have an assessment of the accident made. If partial fault is determined, the assessor's fee will be divided proportionally between the victim and the (partially) liable insurance company.

In any case, we stand by your side and provide advice on your situation beforehand. You can contact us around the clock via our contact form or WhatsApp!

Free of charge, in case of accident liability...

Especially in the case of a non-self-inflicted accident, as the affected vehicle owner, you should always involve your own assessor and not leave the assessment of the damage to the opposing insurance company. This ensures that the damage is truly assessed neutrally and prevents you from being stuck with high costs. The assessor's fee must always be covered by the opposing insurance company!

In case of dispute, it's often advisable to contact an expert and have an assessment of the accident made. If partial fault is determined, the assessor's fee will be divided proportionally between the victim and the (partially) liable insurance company.

In any case, we stand by your side and provide advice on your situation beforehand. You can contact us around the clock via our contact form or WhatsApp!

Dein Gutachter Mittelhessen

Our Team

Here for you when it matters!

Independant automotive Yannick Jähnel

Yannick Jähnel

Independent automotive appraiser

Independent automotive appraiser Dimitrij Dikan

Dimitrij Dikan

Independent automotive appraiser

Independent automotive appraiser Yannick Jähnel

Yannick Jähnel

Independent automotive appraiser

Independent automotive appraiser Dimitrij Dikan

Dimitrij Dikan

Independent automotive appraiser

Sachverständigenbildungswerk SBW
TÜV Zertifizierung Sachverständigenbildungswerk SBW

We provide you with a reliable team of experienced and certified automotive assessors. Our assessors are trained experts from the renowned and TÜV-Rheinland certified SBW Institute for Automotive Experts.

What our clients say